We had a few more photos we wanted to share of Eileen as well as reminding everyone to please make plans to attend the Hall of Fame ceremony on March the 12th. An event with starting times and other information about the evening will be posted soon in the school event section.
over 2 years ago, The Regal Eagle
Eileen Shanafelt was born and raised in Odin. She served as secretary/bookkeeper from 1967-1996. The daughter of a dedicated teacher known to Odin Schools as ''Miss Jennie.'' She taught at Odin for 42 years. Eileen graduated as the valedictorian of the Class of 1947. Working in the area's oil field industry, she married Kenny Shanafelt in 1951. She had 4 sons and a daughter. When her youngest started all-day attendance in 1967, she was blessed with the opportunity to return to the school as well. She worked as school secretary, and later as the bookkeeper for the district. During that time, she ventured into a new arena. She brought the books into the ''computer age.'' It was not easy, but Eileen proved she was up to the challenge. Her coworkers and the friendships they shared meant a great deal to her, as did each student she watched grow up there. This included her own children. Terry, Jerry, Gary and Sherry. Later, three of her granddaughters would also graduate from OHS. Jennie, Jamie and Amy. After 30 years of dedicated service, Eileen retired. She kept the school deep within her heart to the day she passed in December of 2019. She was honored and proud to have been a part of the village that it takes to educate the students of Odin Public Schools. We are proud and honored to welcome Eileen Shanafelt into the Hall of Fame.
over 2 years ago, The Regal Eagle
Junior High Girls Basketball should wash and turn in uniforms to the main office by Friday, January 28th. Thank you
over 2 years ago, Quinton Marcum
Body Boundaries begins tomorrow for our PK-5th grade students. The Amy Center will be here to present to our students age appropriate information about body safety. This education is a requirement by Erin's Law we provide all students. Please see the news article linked below for further information. https://www.odinpublicschools.org/article/630218 Students in grades 6-12 will have their presentations on Thursday the 27th!
over 2 years ago, Sarah Loepker
Today is the Vaccine Clinic for COVID-19. If you are interested please call the school at 618-775-8266.
over 2 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Good morning, the 5 Essentials Survey is a tool that principals use to identify deficiencies and strengths we have as a school. We invite parents to fill out this anonymous survey so that we have some data on ways to improve. Please consider taking some time to fill out this survey if you have a student attending our school. Here is the url to place into your browser to take the survey: http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/ Thank you, Mr. Marcum
over 2 years ago, Quinton Marcum
Visit www.redcrossblood.org and enter code 62870 to find our upcoming blood drive hosted by High School Student Council. Quick Facts: February 22nd 1:00-5:00 p.m. Odin School Little Gymnasium
over 2 years ago, Sarah Loepker
Every 2 seconds poster
This is to inform you that Odin PSD #722 will continue 2:15 dismissal for K-12 and 1:45 dismissal for Pre-K on Monday, January 24 through all next week. We will resume our regular schedule on Monday, January 31st. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at the school or email kbriggs@odinpublicschools.org. Thank you, Mrs. Briggs
over 2 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Volleyball practice has been moved up to 4:30-6. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Capps by email at wcapps@odinpublicschools.org or call the school.
over 2 years ago, Samantha Dix
Parents: If you were interested in having your student receive the vaccine on Monday, January 24th (first shot) and Tuesday, February 15th (second shot), please return your student consent form by Friday, January 21st. LINK for Student Consent form: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1804630/VaccineCONSENTFORM.pdf
over 2 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Tonight’s Jr high Boys Basketball game is at North Wamac School. 1 varsity game at 6:00pm. Thanks
over 2 years ago, Jeff Burton
Congratulations to our 8th Graders for their hard work and dedication to their sports career throughout Junior High. Pictured L to R: Danika Gillis, Chloe Bechdoldt, Joshlynn Budds, Autumn Wiese, Noah Jones, Mason Corry, and Lincoln Roberts. Not Pictured is Easton Johnson.
over 2 years ago, Quinton Marcum
8th grade
JH Volleyball will practice from 2:30-4 today since being on the 2:15 dismissal schedule. Sorry for the late notice. If you have any questions you can email Mr. Capps at wcapps@odinpublicschools.org or call the school.
over 2 years ago, Samantha Dix
Dear Odin PSD #722 Community: On Monday, January 24, IDPH will be offering a Vaccine Clinic at Odin PSD #722 in the small gym. For further information, please see the attached information. Student Consent Link: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1804630/VaccineCONSENTFORM.pdf
over 2 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Tomorrow is the OJH last home game! It will be 8th grade night and the theme is white out. Please wear white to school and to the game to support your OJH Eagles!
over 2 years ago, Samantha Dix
We are currently experiencing phone issues. If you need to contact the school, but can not get through, please email Mrs. Briggs at kbriggs @odinpublicschools.org or Ms. Sam at sdix@odinpublicschools.org.
over 2 years ago, Samantha Dix
Starting TOMORROW through Friday, January 21st., Odin School K-12 will dismiss at 2:15 and Pre-K at 1:45 p.m. Please see the announcement on FB and the website.
over 2 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Dear Odin PSD #722 Community:
over 2 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
PIC 1.18
This is just a reminder to all 8th grade athletes that we will be doing 8th grade night for all fall and winter athletes on Wednesday between the JV and Varsity games. There will also be a pizza party following the game for 8th grade athletes and parents.
over 2 years ago, Quinton Marcum
Thank you to these girls and 6th Grade for decorating these bulletin boards to brighten up the high school hallway.
over 2 years ago, Wyatt Capps
Jalynn abs Hailey
Jalynn, Kylee, Hailey